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Scripture Verse

Conformed to the image of His Son. Romans 8:29


John Wesley (1703–1791)

Words: An­na S. Do­ber, in the Herrn­hut Ge­sang­buch, 1735 (Du heil­ig­es Kind). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by John Wes­ley in Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, 1740.

Music: Oni­do Ig­naz J. Pley­el (1757–1831) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Do­ber (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Ignaz J. Pleyel (1757–1831)


Holy Lamb, who Thee re­ceive,
Who in Thee be­gin to live,
Day and night they cry to Thee,
As Thou art, so let us be!
Jesu, see my pant­ing breast!
See I pant in Thee to rest!
Gladly would I now be clean,
Cleanse me now from ev­ery sin.

Fix, O fix my wa­ver­ing mind!
To Thy cross my spir­it bind;
Earthly pas­sions far re­move,
Swallow up my soul in love.
Dust and ash­es though we be,
Full of sin and mi­se­ry,
Thine we are, Thou Son of God!
Take the pur­chase of Thy blood!

Who in heart on Thee be­lieves,
He the atone­ment now re­ceives,
He with joy be­holds Thy face,
Triumphs in Thy par­don­ing grace.
See, ye sin­ners, see the flame,
Rising from the slaugh­tered Lamb,
Marks the new, the liv­ing way,
Leading to eter­nal day!

Jesus, when this light we see,
All our soul’s athirst for Thee;
When Thy quick­en­ing pow­er we prove,
All our heart dis­solves in love.
Boundless wis­dom, pow­er divine,
Love un­speak­able are Thine:
Praise by all to Thee be giv’n,
Sons of earth, and hosts of Heav’n!