Scripture Verse

His mighty hand. Deuteronomy 11:2


Henry Ostrom (1862–1941)

Words: Hen­ry Os­trom, 1915.

Music: Al­bert S. Reitz (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert S. Reitz (1879–1966)


I am saved from sin, I have peace with­in,
And I walk with Je­sus day by day;
O His hand so strong, holds me all day long,
And with Him I will not go as­tray.


He will hold me with His migh­ty hand!
He will hold me with His migh­ty hand!
In temp­ta­tion He will help me stand!
For He will hold me with His migh­ty hand.

Many passed me by, heed­ing not my cry,
But the Sav­ior heard and res­cued me;
I was lost and blind, Je­sus was so kind,
Lo, He touched my eyes and now I see.


There’s a pro­mise sure, and it shall en­dure,
Lo, I will be with thee all the way;
And though foes as­sail, I shall still pre­vail,
For I know He helps me watch and pray.


There is sweet­er peace, there is per­fect peace,
And my Fa­ther’s Word is won­drous dear;
There is migh­ty pow’r, for each try­ing hour,
There is love that cast­eth out all fear!
