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Scripture Verse

He has made you alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins. Ephesians 2:1


Words: El­la M. Parks, in Ho­san­nas to the King, ed­it­ed by Clar­ence B. Strouse (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Pep­per Pub­lish­ing, 1901), num­ber 38.

Music: Clar­ence B. Strouse (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Parks or Strouse (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


I was far away from Je­sus,
Dead in tres­pass­es and sin,
And I thought for one so vile no hope could be;
But the bless­èd Lord of Glo­ry
Stooped and raised me to Him­self,
And He put His lov­ing arms around me.


He put His lov­ing arms around me;
He put His lov­ing arms around me;
I looked in­to His face,
It beamed with ten­der grace,
As He put his lov­ing arms around me.

Then He whis­pered to me par­don
Through the all aton­ing blood
Which He shed for my trans­gress­ions on the tree;
And the bless­èd peace of Heav­en
Came into my wea­ry soul,
As He put His lov­ing arms around me.


Day by day He guides and keeps me
In the bless­èd nar­row way,
From the ban of sin and death He makes me free;
There’s no ev­il can be­fall me
While I’m rest­ing in His grace,
And He has His lov­ing arms around me.


In the hour of deep­est tri­al
When all earth­ly com­fort fails,
And no cheer­ing ray of sun­shine I can see,
Then to Him I bring my sor­row,
And He wipes away my tears,
As He puts His lov­ing arms around me.


Oh this bless­èd life in Je­sus!
Sinner, won’t you hear His call?
From the pow­er of sin’s do­min­ion He can free;
Yield thy heart to Him this mo­ment,
And with joy thou’lt sure­ly find
That He’ll put His lov­ing arms around thee!

He’ll put His lov­ing arms around thee!
He’ll put His lov­ing arms around thee,
Look up in­to His face,
It beams with ten­der grace,
And He’ll put His lov­ing arms around thee.