Hear my cry, O God.
Psalm 61:1
Words: Horatius Bonar, 1843.
Music: Heinlein Nürnbergisches Gesangbuch, 1676. Melody attributed to Martin Herbst (1654–1681), harmony by William H. Monk (1823–1889) (🔊
Holy Father, hear my cry;
Holy Savior, bend Thine ear;
Holy Spirit, come Thou nigh;
Father, Savior, Spirit, hear.
Father, save me from my sin;
Savior, I Thy mercy crave;
Gracious Spirit, make me clean:
Father, Savior, Spirit, save.
Father, let me taste Thy love;
Savior, fill my soul with peace;
Spirit, come my heart to move:
Father, Son, and Spirit, bless.
Father, Son, and Spirit—Thou
One Jehovah, shed abroad
All Thy grace within me now;
Be my Father and my God.