[He] took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.
Philippians 2:7
Words: Henry More (1614–1687).
Music: Vom Himmel hoch from Geistliche Lieder, by Valentin Schumann (Leipzig, Germany: 1539). Harmony by Johann S. Bach (🔊
The holy Son of God most high,
For love of Adam’s lapsèd race,
Quit the sweet pleasures of the sky
To bring us to that happy place.
His robes of light He laid aside,
Which did His majesty adorn,
And the frail state of mortals tried,
In human flesh and figure born.
Down from above this Day-Star slid,
Himself in living earth t’entomb,
And all His heav’nly glory hid
In a pure lowly virgin’s womb.
Whole choirs of angels loudly sing
The mystery of His sacred birth,
And the blest news to shepherds bring,
Filling their watchful souls with mirth.
The Son of God thus man became,
That men the sons of God might be,
And by their second birth regain
A likeness to His deity.
Lord, give us humble and pure minds,
And fill us with Thy heav’nly love,
That Christ thus in our hearts enshrined
We all may be born from above.
And being thus regenerate,
Into a life and sense divine
We all ungodliness may hate,
And to Thy living Word incline.
That nourished by that heav’nly food
To manly stature we may grow,
And steadfastly pursue what’s good,
That all our descent may know.
Grant we, Thy seed, may never yield
Our souls to soil with any blot,
But still stand conquerors in the field,
To show His pow’r who us begot.
That after this our warfare’s done,
And travails or a toilsome stage,
We may in Heav’n, with Christ Thy Son,
Enjoy our promised heritage.