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Scripture Verse

There remaineth…a rest to the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Words: James A. Han­dy, in The Tim­brel, ed­it­ed by John W. Dad­mun (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: J. P. Ma­gee, 1866), num­ber 54.

Music: Gwang­ju me­lo­dy by James A. Han­dy, ar­ranged by C. H. Fax­on (🔊 ).

If you know Fax­on’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

James A. Handy


In Heav­en, bright Heav­en, the home of the blest,
Where sor­row’s un­known, I am long­ing to rest;
To gain its fair por­tals my ef­forts shall be,
For loved ones are wait­ing in Heav­en for me,
To gain its fair por­tals my ef­forts shall be,
For loved ones are wait­ing in Heav­en for me.

To Heav­en, sweet Heav­en, I’m hop­ing to go,
When I have ac­comp­lished my mis­sion be­low;
The Bi­ble for­ev­er my stand­ard shall be,
For loved ones are wait­ing in Heav­en for me.
The Bi­ble for­ev­er my stand­ard shall be,
For loved ones are wait­ing in Heav­en for me.

For Heav­en I’m striv­ing, and ne’er will give o’er,
Till safe­ly I stand on the glit­ter­ing shore;
Beyond the dark wa­ters of life’s stor­my sea,
With loved ones now wait­ing in Heav­en for me,
Beyond the dark wa­ters of life’s stor­my sea,
With loved ones now wait­ing in Heav­en for me.