Scripture Verse

Forsake not the law of thy mother. Proverbs 1:8


Words: James G. Garth, 1920.

Music: H. A. Sev­er­ing­haus (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Garth or Se­ver­ing­haus (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Oh, the home ties are sweet,
And the home ties are strong,
And pre­cious in me­mo­ry
No mat­ter how long
Be the time since we part­ed
From the old home back there,
From the fa­ther and mo­ther
And their kind lov­ing care.


Oh, the home ties are sweet,
Yes, the home ties are strong,
Let us keep them un­brok­en,
Be time short or long;
Keep the home ties in Je­sus
Who has gone to pre­pare
For the home up in Hea­ven,
Let us all meet up there.

We have wan­dered afar,
In the paths we have trod,
From mo­ther’s re­li­gion
And the ways of her God,
But the voice of that mo­ther,
Of the fa­ther so dear,
Now is call­ing us heav’n­ward,
If we on­ly will hear.


Are you sa­tis­fied now
With the plea­sures of sin?
Does no thought of Je­sus
Nor Heav’n en­ter in?
Oh, be true now to mo­ther,
Turn to Je­sus her Lord;
Take Him as your own Sav­ior,
And be­lieve in His Word.
