Scripture Verse

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Isaiah 53:3


Martin Madan (1725–1790)
National Portrait Gallery

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Words: At­trib­ut­ed to John Bake­well (1757) & Mar­tin Ma­dan (1760).

Music: In Ba­bi­lo­ne in Oude en Nieuwe Holl­ant­se Boer­en­lities en Con­tra­dan­seu (Old and New Dutch Pea­sant Songs and Coun­try Danc­es), cir­ca 1710. Ar­ranged by Ju­li­us E. Rönt­gen, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Julius E. Röntgen (1855–1932)


Hail, Thou once des­pis­èd Je­sus!
Hail, Thou Ga­li­le­an King!
Thou didst suf­fer to re­lease us;
Thou didst free sal­va­tion bring.
Hail, Thou uni­ver­sal Sav­ior,
Who hast borne our sin and shame!
By Thy mer­its we find fa­vor;
Life is giv­en through Thy name.

Paschal Lamb, by God ap­point­ed,
All our sins on Thee were laid;
By al­migh­ty love an­oint­ed,
Thou hast full atone­ment made.
Every sin may be for­giv­en
Through the vir­tue of Thy blood;
Opened is the gate of Hea­ven,
Reconciled are we with God.

Jesus, hail! en­throned in glo­ry,
There for­ev­er to abide;
All the hea­ven­ly hosts adore Thee,
Seated at Thy Fa­ther’s side.
There for sin­ners Thou art plead­ing;
There Thou dost our place pre­pare;
Thou for saints art in­ter­ced­ing
Till in glo­ry they ap­pear.

Worship, hon­or, pow­er and bless­ing
Christ is wor­thy to re­ceive;
Loudest prais­es, with­out ceas­ing,
Right it is for us to give.
Help, ye bright an­gel­ic spir­its,
Bring your sweet­est, nob­lest lays;
Help to sing of Je­sus’ mer­its,
Help to chant Em­ma­nu­el’s praise!