Fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.
Psalm 81:16
Words & Music: Lanta W. Smith, in Honey Out of the Rock, by William S. Nickle, Franklin A. Hardin & John B. Shaw (Chicago, Illinois: Meyer & Brother, 1892), number 1 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Smith (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Out in the desert of sin Jesus found me,
Lost in the depths of a sinner’s despair;
Gently thro’ paths of forgiveness He led me,
Spreading a feast in the wilderness rare.
With honey from the rock He is feeding His people,
Honey from the rock, honey from the rock;
With honey from the rock He is feeding His people,
Sweet are the gifts of God.
Now from the riches of grace He’s bestowing
Wonderful blessings my joy to complete;
Feeding my soul every day with His bounty—
Honey and milk, and the best of the wheat.
No one can tell all the joy of redemption;
No one describe half the blessings in store;
No one can measure the bliss of possessing
Knowledge of pardon, and peace evermore.
Come, sinner, come, there’s a wide invitation;
Come with your sin-burdened, hungering heart;
Think of the joy that is promised the faithful—
In all this blessedness you have a part.