Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.
2 Corinthians 9:15
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns on the Lord’s Supper, 1745, number 162.
Music: Hosanna in Excelsis Sydney H. Nicholson, in the Supplement to Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1916 (🔊
Hosanna in the highest
To our exalted Savior,
Who left behind for all mankind
These tokens of His favor:
His bleeding love and mercy,
His all redeeming Passion;
Who here displays, and gives the grace
Which brings us our salvation.
Louder than gathered waters,
Or bursting peals of thunder,
We lift our voice and speak our joys
And shout our loving wonder.
Shout, all our elder brethren,
While we record the story
Of Him that came and suffered shame,
To carry us to glory.
Angels in fixed amazement
Around our altars hover,
With eager gaze adore the grace
Of our eternal Lover:
Himself and all His fullness
Who gives to the believer;
And by this bread whoe’er are fed
Shall live with God for ever.