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Scripture Verse

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Isaiah 52:7


George Martin (1844–1916)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1742), pag­es 112–13, alt.

Music: King of Kings George C. Mar­tin (1844–1916) (🔊 ).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


How beau­ti­ful His feet ap­pear
High on the mount­ain tops, who brings
Glad tid­ings of sal­va­tion near,
Salvation from the King of kings!

Who pub­lish­es the joy­ful sound,
Proclaims a peace ’twixt earth and Heav’n,
A ran­som for the sin­ner found,
God re­con­ciled, and man for­giv’n.

That says to Is­ra­el’s mourn­ful race,
Awake, arise, shake off thy chains;
Believe the word of Gos­pel grace,
Thy God, thy great Re­deem­er reigns.

Thy watch­men shall the voice lift up,
Shall sing with glad­some me­lo­dy,
Object of all their joy and hope,
When eye to eye their Lord they see.

Him, eye to eye, shall they be­hold,
Shall shout to see the Sav­ior come,
To save a world re­deemed of old,
To bring the wea­ry cap­tives home.

Break forth in joy, your glad­ness sing,
Employ your all for Christ, your king;
Rejoice, and Him Mes­si­ah claim:
Bestowing praise, live in His name.

For Christ the Lord doth com­fort man,
Erases sin with migh­ty hand:
To Heav’n we rise from Ad­am’s fall:
His life He gave to ran­som all.

His arm He bared, in mer­cy, grace,
Prepared a par­don for our race;
His mer­it, shown to all men’s sight,
We may in­her­it as our right.

The Gen­tiles hear the sav­ing call:
His grace ap­pears and vi­sits all;
A com­mon ran­som doth belong
To ev­ery na­tion, tribe and, tongue.