Scripture Verse

There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain…The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:4,23


Words: Cor­de­lia J. Bridge­wa­ter, in The Sil­ver Star, ed­it­ed by B. B. Bate­man & G. M. Bate­man (Knox­ville, Ten­nes­see: Bat­eman Bro­thers, 1920).

Music: An­dy P. Bland (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bridge­wa­ter or Bland (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We read of a place that’s called Hea­ven,
It’s made for the pure and the free;
These truths in God’s word He has giv­en,
How beau­ti­ful Hea­ven must be.


How beau­ti­ful Hea­ven must be,
Sweet home of the hap­py and free;
Fair ha­ven of rest for the wea­ry,
How beau­ti­ful Hea­ven must be.

In Hea­ven, no droop­ing nor pin­ing,
No wish­ing for else­where to be;
God’s light is for­ev­er there shin­ing,
How beau­ti­ful Hea­ven must be.


Pure wa­ters of life there are flow­ing,
And all who will drink may be free;
Rare jew­els of splen­dor are glow­ing,
How beau­ti­ful Hea­ven must be.


The angels so sweet­ly are sing­ing,
Up there by the beau­ti­ful sea;
The song of re­demp­tion is ring­ing,
How beau­ti­ful Hea­ven must be.
