Scripture Verse

We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18


Words: Anne Steele, Po­ems on Sub­jects Chief­ly De­vo­tion­al 1760. Long­ing Af­ter Un­seen Plea­sures.

Music: Bur­ling­ton John F. Bur­rowes, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele or Bur­rowes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


How long shall earth’s al­lur­ing toys
Detain our hearts and eyes;
Regardless of im­mor­tal joys,
And stran­gers to the skies?

These tran­si­ent scenes will soon de­cay,
They fade up­on the sight;
And quick­ly will their bright­est day
Be lost in end­less night.

Their bright­est day, alas, how vain!
With con­scious sighs we own;
While clouds of sor­row, care and pain,
O’ershade the smil­ing noon.

O could our thought and wishes fly,
Above these gloomy shades,
To those bright worlds be­yond the sky
Which sor­row ne’er in­vades.

There joys un­seen by mor­tal eyes,
Or rea­son’s fee­ble ray,
In ever bloom­ing pros­pect rise,
Unconscious of de­cay.

Lord, send a beam of light di­vine,
To guide our up­ward aim;
With one re­viv­ing touch of Thine,
Our lang­uid hearts in­flame.

Then shall on faith’s sub­lim­est wing
Our ar­dent wish­es rise
To those bright scenes, where plea­sures spring
Immortal in the skies.