Scripture Verse

How should man be just with God? If he will contend with Him, he cannot answer Him one of a thousand. Job 9:1–2


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs, Book 1, 1707, num­ber 86. God, ho­ly, just and so­ver­eign. Al­tered forms have been pub­lished, start­ing with Ah, how shall fall­en man…

Music: Abid­ing Grace John S. Camp, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John S. Camp (1858–1946)


How should the sons of Ad­am’s race
Be pure be­fore their God?
If He con­tend in right­eous­ness,
We fall be­neath His rod.

To vin­di­cate my words and thoughts
I’ll make no more pre­tense;
Not one of all my thou­sand faults
Can bear a just de­fense.

Strong is His arm, His heart is wise;
What vain per­fum­ers dare
Against their mak­er’s hand to rise,
Or tempt th’un­eq­ual war?

Mountains by His al­migh­ty wrath
From their old seats are torn;
He shakes the earth, from south to north,
And all her pil­lars mourn.

He bids the sun for­bear to rise;
Th’obedient sun for­bears:
His hand with sack­cloth spreads the skies,
And seals up all the stars.

He walks up­on the stor­my sea;
Flies on the stor­my wind:
There’s none can trace His won­drous way,
Or His dark foot­steps find.