The Spirit be poured upon us from on high.
Isaiah 32:15
Words: William H. Bathurst, Psalms and Hymns 1831, page 166.
Music: Seymour from the opera Oberon, by Carl M. von Weber, 1826; Henry W. Greatorex published it as a hymn tune in 1851 (🔊
Holy Spirit, from on high,
Bend o’er us with pitying eye;
Now refresh the drooping heart;
Bid the power of sin depart.
Light up every dark recess
Of our heart’s ungodliness;
Show us every devious way
Where our steps have gone astray.
Teach us with repentant grief
Humbly to implore relief;
Then the Savior’s blood reveal,
And our broken spirits heal.
Other ground work should we lay,
Sweep those empty hopes away;
Make us feel that Christ alone
Can for human guilt atone.
May we daily grow in grace,
And with patience run the race,
Trained in wisdom, led by love,
Till we reach our home above.