If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him.
2 Timothy 2:12
Words: Charles Wesley (1707–1788), in Hymns for Times of Trouble for the Year 1745, number 15.
Music: Dying Stephen John F. Lampe, Hymns on the Great Festivals 1746 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
Charles Wesley’s Journal gives many glimpses of that trying year when the Young Pretender entered Edinburgh in triumph.
On September 6, he says,
The night we passed in prayer. I read them my heavy tidings out of the north.OnSunday, September 18, the spirit of supplication was given us in the Society for His Majesty King George; and in strong faith, we asked his deliverance from all his enemies and troubles.On September 25,
I heard the news confirmed, of Edinburgh being taken by the rebels.Next day,Tidings came that General Cope was cut off with all his army.One who saw much of Bishop Heber in his last months in India writes, “On returning from church in the morning I was so ill as to be obliged to go to bed, and, with his usual affectionate consideration, the bishop came and sat the greater part of the afternoon with me.
“Our conversation turned chiefly on the blessedness of heaven, and the best means of preparing for its enjoyment. He repeated several lines of an old hymn of Charles Wesley, which, he said, in spite of one or two expressions, he admired as one of the most beautiful in our language for a rich and elevated tone of devotional feeling—
Head of Thy church triumphant,
We joyfully adore Thee.”Telford, pp. 249–50
Head of Thy Church triumphant,
We joyfully adore Thee;
Till Thou appear,
Thy members here
Shall sing like those in glory.
We lift our hearts and voices
With blest anticipation,
And cry aloud, and give to God
The praise of our salvation.
While in affliction’s furnace,
And passing through the fire,
Thy love we praise,
Which knows our days,
And ever brings us nigher.
We clap our hands exulting
In Thine almighty favor;
The love divine
Which made us Thine
Shall keep us Thine for ever.
Thou dost conduct Thy people
Through torrents of temptation,
Nor will we fear,
While Thou art near,
The fire of tribulation.
The world with sin and Satan
In vain our march opposes,
Through Thee we shall
Break through them all,
And sing the song of Moses.
By faith we see the glory
To which Thou shalt restore us,
The cross despise
For that high prize
Which Thou hast set before us.
And if Thou count us worthy,
We each, as dying Stephen,
Shall see Thee stand
At God’s right hand,
To take us up to Heaven.