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Scripture Verse

By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Ho­ræ Ly­ri­ca, Book 1, 1706, page 18. A French son­net imi­tat­ed, 1695.

Music: York­shire John Wain­right, 1750 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Wain­right (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Grace rules be­low, and sits en­throned ab­ove,
How few the sparks of wrath! how slow they move,
And drop and die in bound­less seas of love!

But me, vile wretch! should pi­ty­ing love em­brace
Deep in its ocean, hell it­self would blaze,
And flash and burn me through the bound­less seas.

Yea, Lord, my guilt to such a vast­ness grown
Seems to con­fine my choice to wrath alone,
And calls Thy pow­er to vin­di­cate Thy throne.

Thine hon­or bids, Av­enge Thy in­jured name,
Thy slight­ed loves a dread­ful glo­ry claim,
While my moist tears might but in­cense Thy flame.

Should heav’n grow black, al­migh­ty thun­der roar,
And ven­geance blast me, I could plead no more,
But own Thy jus­tice, dy­ing, and ad­ore.

Yet can those bolts of death that cleave the flood
To reach a re­bel, pierce this sac­red shroud,
Tinged in the vi­tal stream of my Re­deem­er’s blood?