Scripture Verse

I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us? Isaiah 6:8


Daniel March (1816–1909)

Words: Da­ni­el March, 1868.

The se­cond verse has si­mi­la­ri­ties to the 1860 hymn Your Mis­sion.

Music: Ga­li­le­an Jo­seph Barn­by, 1883 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)

Origin of the Hymn

This hymn was writ­ten…while the au­thor was a pas­tor in Phi­la­del­phia [Penn­syl­van­ia]. On the 18th of Oc­to­ber he was to preach, by re­quest, to the Chris­tian As­so­cia­tion of that ci­ty.

At a late hour he learned that one of the hymns se­lect­ed was not suit­able…In great haste, he says, he wrote the hymn, and it was sung from the ma­nu­script.

Nutter, p. 214


Hark, the voice of Je­sus call­ing,
Who will go and work to­day?
Fields are ripe and har­vests wait­ing,
Who will bear the sheaves away?

Long and loud the Mas­ter calls us,
Rich re­ward He of­fers free;
Who will an­swer, glad­ly say­ing,
Here am I, send me, send me?

If you can­not cross the ocean,
And the dis­tant lands ex­plore,
You can find the lost around you,
You can help them at your door;
If you can­not give your tho­usands,
You can give the wi­dow’s mite;
What you tru­ly give for Je­sus,
Will be pre­cious in His sight.

If you can­not speak like an­gels,
If you can­not preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Je­sus,
You can say He died for all.
If you can­not rouse the wick­ed,
With the judg­ment’s dread alarms,
You can lead the lit­tle child­ren
To the Sav­ior’s wait­ing arms.

If you can­not be the watch­man,
Standing high on Zi­on’s wall,
Pointing out the path to Hea­ven,
Offering life and peace to all,
With your pray­ers and with your boun­ties
You can do what Hea­ven de­mands;
You can be like faith­ful Aar­on,
Holding up the pro­phet’s hands.

If among the old­er peo­ple,
You may not be apt to teach,
Feed My lambs, said Christ, our shep­herd,
Place the food with­in their reach.
And it may be that the child­ren
You have led with trem­bling hand,
Will be found among your jew­els,
When you reach the bet­ter land.

Let none hear you id­ly say­ing,
There is no­thing I can do.
While the lost of earth are dy­ing,
And the Mas­ter calls for you;
Take the task He gives you glad­ly;
Let His work your plea­sure be;
Answer quick­ly when He calls you,
Here am I, send me, send me.