And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4
Words & Music: Eliza E. Hewitt, in Christian Hymns No. 1, by J. Wilbur Chapman (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Hall-Mack, 1899) (🔊
Let us sing a song
That will cheer us by the way,
In a little while we’re going home;
For the night will end in the everlasting day,
In a little while we’re going home.
In a little while, in a little while,
We shall cross the billow’s foam;
We shall meet at last,
When the stormy winds are past,
In a little while we’re going home.
We will do the work
That our hands may find to do,
In a little while we’re going home;
And the grace of God
Will our daily strength renew,
In a little while we’re going home.
We will smooth the path
For some weary, way-worn feet,
In a little while we’re going home;
And may loving hearts
Spread around an influence sweet!
In a little while we’re going home.
There’s a rest beyond,
There’s relief from every care,
In a little while we’re going home;
And no tears shall fall
In that city bright and fair,
In a little while we’re going home.