Scripture Verse

I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:3


Words: J. Wake­field Mac­Gill (1829–1902).

Music: Al­der­shot Charles D. Till­man, 1903 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ella Macgill (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

J. Wakefield MacGill (1829–1902)


There is some­thing strange­ly ten­der
In His part­ing words so sweet,
Do not let your heart be trou­bled,
For we by and by shall meet
In the home of many man­sions,
Which I go now to pre­pare.
And when I am rea­dy, dear ones,
I will come and take you there.


Ah, He whis­pered, when He left them,
I am com­ing back again,
And will take you to your new home,
Ever near Me to re­main.

Ah, those words, so strange­ly ten­der,
Still keep ec­ho­ing all round,
And tho’ they have gone to glo­ry,
And have reached the hal­lowed ground,
The sweet pro­mise has not failed them,
They are with their Lord to­night.
We shall find them rea­dy, wait­ing,
Just with­in the gates of light.


Don’t you hear the words so ten­der?
Don’t they ec­ho in your heart?
Don’t they woo you from this poor life,
That with which you soon must part?
Those who wait His com­ing glo­ri­ous
Then will form His roy­al train;
Oh, the rap­tur­ous hour of meet­ing
When the Lord comes back to reign.
