From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 61:2
Words & Music: Frank M. Davis, in Notes of Praise (Vicksburg, Mississippi: Frank M. Davis, 1886), number 21 (🔊
I am safe in the Rock that is higher than I;
This my refuge thro’ storms e’er shall be;
Tho’ my frail bark is tossed
On the billows’ mad foam,
Yet I’m sheltered forever in Thee.
Sheltered in Thee, sheltered in Thee,
O Thou blest Rock of Ages,
I am sheltered in Thee.
I am safe in the Cleft that was riven for me;
From the power of the tempter I’m free;
Tho’ my pathway be dark,
And the storms sweep the sky,
Yet securely I’m sheltered in Thee.
I am safe in the Rock, let whatever betide;
Death and hell have no terror for me;
I can walk without fear
Through the shadowy vale,
For securely I’m sheltered in Thee.