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Scripture Verse

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing. John 15:5


Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Lon­don­der­ry Ir­ish tune (🔊 ).

Susan Peterson


“I am the vine; My Fa­ther is the gar­den­er.
Each branch that bears no fruit, He cuts away;
While ev­ery branch that yields good fruit, He trims and cleans,
So that it will still more pro­duce each day.
Now you are clean be­cause of My Word’s work in you.
Remain in Me, and I’ll re­main in you.
Just as a branch with­out the vine can bear no fruit,
So you must stay in Me if you would bear fruit too.

“I am the vine; if you, like branch­es, stay in Me
And I in you, you’ll bear much fruit in turn.
Apart from Me, you can ac­comp­lish naught for God;
You’re like a branch that wi­thers and is burned.
But if you stay in Me and I in you each day,
Ask what you wish; it will be giv­en you.
God will be glo­ri­fied be­cause you bear much fruit,
For thus you show your­selves to be dis­ci­ples true.

“Just as the Fa­ther loves Me, so I love you too.
Obey My Word, and you’ll stay in My care,
Just as I too ob­ey My Fa­ther God above,
And in His love re­main fore’er and e’er.
I’ve told you this so that My joy may be in you,
And that your own joy may now ov­er­flow.
Here’s My com­mand: Love oth­ers just as I’ve loved you;
To die for friends—this is the great­est love you’ll know.

You are My friends if you do what I now com­mand;
You’re not mere ser­vants, know­ing not My will.
I’ve called you friends, for ev­ery­thing I’ve learned from God,
I have made known, and now I tell you still.
You chose Me not, but I have chos­en each of you,
To go and bear much fruit that will re­main.
Then God will give you all you ask in My own name.
Love one ano­ther; hear now My com­mand again.