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I AM THE WAY (Glenn)

Scripture Verse

I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. John 14:6


Hampton H. Sewell

Words: Fowl­er Glenn, 1918.

Music: Hamp­ton H. Sew­ell (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Glenn (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


O soul by ev­il driv­en,
Needing both light and cheer,
That hope to you be giv­en,
Jesus your Sav­ior hear.


I am the way, the truth and the life;
No man com­eth un­to the Fa­ther but by Me;
I am the way, the truth and the life;
No man com­eth un­to the Fa­ther but by Me

In search of world­ly plea­sure,
Downward you go each day,
While oth­ers lay up trea­sure,
Following life’s true way.


Just let the Sav­ior guide you,
Happy you then will be,
For He will stay be­side you,
Keeping you pure and free.


If you would meet in Heav­en
Those that you miss today,
The Bless­èd One must lead you—
He is the on­ly way.



The Blessed Road

Three roads led out of Cal­va­ry,
The first was broad and straight,
That Pi­late and great Caia­phas
Might ride there­on in state.

The se­cond was the fe­lons’ road,
Cruel and hard to tread
For those who bore the cross’ load
For those whose foot­steps bled.

The third road slunk through mean de­files,
Fearing the op­en sky;
And Ju­das crept the dread­ful mile
To Cal­va­ry there­by.

The high road up to Cal­va­ry
Was blott­ed from the land;
Where Ju­das hid, the jack­al cries
By thorn-cursed drifts of sand.

But that poor road the fe­lons went—
How fair it now ap­pears,
Smoothed wide by my­ri­ads pe­ni­tent
And flower-set by their tears!

Charles Bux­ton Go­ing (1863–1935)