Know thou the God of thy father, and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind.
1 Chronicles 28:9
Words: D. E. Millard, in White Wings, edited by Curtis Strickland & T. H. Osborn (Huntington, Indiana: C. V. Strickland, 1896), number 33.
Music: Wabash Curtis V. Strickland, 1896 (🔊
If you know Millard’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Strickland (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I am willing, Lord, I’m willing—
To be led through life by Thee,
Every needful task fulfilling,
I Thy servant, Lord, would be.
I am willing, I am willing,
To be led through life by Thee;
I am willing, I am willing,
Thy servant, Lord to be.
When temptations gather ’round me,
To entrap my worldly heart,
Thou hast promised, if I ask Thee,
Grace and strength to say Depart.
And when called to bear some burden,
For my own or others’ weal,
Be my Savior, guide and warden,
So shall nothing quench my zeal.
I am willing, yes, I’m willing,
To be led, O Lord, by Thee,
Help me now in mind and feeling,
Evermore Thy child to be.