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Scripture Verse

They believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said. John 2:22


Wenford G. Schurman

Words: Ed­ward S. Uf­ford & Wen­ford G. Schur­man (verse 3), 1909. Uf­ford was evi­dent­ly liv­ing in Rock­land, Maine, when this song was writ­ten.

Music: Ed­ward S. Uf­ford (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Uf­ford or Schur­man, would you send us an e-mail?

Edward Ufford (1851–1929)


I be­lieve the Bi­ble, it taught me how to pray,
Jesus heard and an­swered, took my sins away;
Gave me peace and par­don, wrote my name above,
Glory hal­le­lujah! for His won­drous love.


I be­lieve the Bi­ble, O it is di­vine!
Heaven’s gold­en sun­light in its pag­es shine;
Lights my way to glo­ry, and I’m sure­ly going thro’;

I be­lieve the Bi­ble, it teach­es me to sing,
Moses’ song of vic­t’ry o’er the ty­rant king;
Or with Paul and Si­las, mid­night brings re­lease,
Glory hal­le­lujah! for His per­fect peace.


I believe the Bi­ble, of ho­li­ness it speaks,
Gracious gift of Je­sus to the one who seeks;
Tells of keep­ing pow­er, ’neath the cleans­ing flood,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah! for the pre­cious blood.


I be­lieve the Bi­ble, it teach­es me to run
In this ro­yal high­way till the prize is won;
Shows the crown await­ing, if I win the race,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah! for His sav­ing grace.


I be­lieve the Bi­ble, and then the world will see
We have been with Je­sus more like Him to be;
With His Word abid­ing in our hearts made new,
That will prove the bless­èd Book is al­ways true.
