I will arise and go to my father.
Luke 15:18
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Young People’s Songs of Praise, by I. Allan Sankey (Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1902), number 43.
Music: San Mateo Ira D. Sankey, 1902 (🔊
I come, O gracious Lord,
I can no longer stay;
Thy gentle voice from paths of sin
Is calling me away.
I come, as Thou hast said,
With all my sins to Thee,
And lay my burden at the cross,
Where Thou hast died for me.
No refuge, Lord, have I,
And whither should I go,
But unto Thee, whose cleansing blood
Can make me white as snow?
Thy mercy, Lord, I plead,
And look to Thee alone;
Wilt thou not take me as I am,
And make me all Thine own?
Heal Thou my broken heart,
For I Thy voice have heard;
I seek the shelter of Thy love,
And rest upon Thy word;
I come, I yield at last—
And give my wanderings o’er;
O cleanse me by Thy precious blood,
And keep me evermore.