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Scripture Verse

It is I; be not afraid. John 6:20


Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, Under the Surface (London: James Nisbet, 1873), pages 63–65.

Music: Ew­ing Al­ex­an­der Ew­ing, 1853 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ew­ing (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Frances R. Havergal


I could not do with­out Thee
O Sav­ior of the lost!
Whose pre­cious blood re­deemed me
At such tre­men­dous cost.
Thy right­eous­ness, Thy par­don
Thy pre­cious blood, must be
My on­ly hope and com­fort,
My glo­ry and my plea.

I could not do with­out Thee!
I can­not stand alone,
I have no strength or good­ness,
No wis­dom of my own;
But Thou, be­lov­èd Sav­ior,
Art all in all to me,
And weak­ness will be pow­er,
If lean­ing hard on Thee.

I could not do with­out Thee,
For, oh! the way is long,
And I am oft­en wea­ry,
And sigh re­plac­es song.
How could I do with­out Thee?
I do not know the way;
Thou know­est, and Thou lead­est,
And wilt not let me stray.

I could not do with­out Thee,
O Je­sus, Sav­ior dear!
E’en when my eyes are hold­en,
I know that Thou art near.
How drea­ry and how lone­ly
This change­ful life would be,
Without the sweet com­mun­ion,
The sec­ret rest with Thee.

I could not do with­out Thee!
No oth­er friend can read
The spir­it’s strange deep long­ings,
Interpreting its need;
No hu­man heart could en­ter
Each dim re­cess of mine,
And soothe, and hush, and calm it,
O bless­èd Lord, but Thine!

I could not do with­out Thee!
For years are fleet­ing fast,
And soon in so­lemn lone­ness
[originally, so­lemn lone­li­ness]
The ri­ver must be passed;
But Thou wilt ne­ver leave me,
And though the waves roll high,
I know Thou wilt be near me,
And whis­per, It is I.

An ex­pand­ed ver­sion of the po­em was pub­lished post­humously, in Un­der His Sha­dow: The Last Po­ems of Fran­ces Rid­ley Ha­ver­gal (New York: An­son D. F. Ran­dolph, 1879), pag­es 139–43:


What Will You Do Without Him?

I could not do witho­ut Him!
Jesus is more to me
Than all the rich­est, fair­est gifts
Of earth could ev­er be.
But the more I find Him pre­cious—
And the more I find Him true—
The more I long for you to find
What He can be to you.

You need not do with­out Him,
For He is pass­ing by,
He is wait­ing to be gra­cious,
Only wait­ing for your cry;
He is wait­ing to re­ceive you—
To make you all His own!
Why will you do with­out Him,
And wan­der on alone?

Why will you do with­out Him?
Is He not kind in­deed?
Did He not die to save you?
Is He not all you need?
Do you not want a Sav­iour?
Do you not want a Friend?
One who will love you faith­ful­ly,
And love you to the end?

Why will you do with­out Him?
The word of God is true!
The world is pass­ing to its doom—
And you are pass­ing too.
It may be no to-mor­row
Shall dawn on you or me;
Why will you run the aw­ful risk
Of all eter­ni­ty?

What will you do with­out Him
In the long and drea­ry day
Of trou­ble and per­plex­ity,
When you do not know the way,
And no one else can help you,
And no one guides you right,
And hopes come not with morn­ing,
And rest comes not with night?

You could not do with­out Him,
If once He made you see
The fet­ters that en­chain you,
Till He hath set you free:
If once you saw the fear­ful load
Of sin upon your soul—
The hid­den plague that ends in death,
Unless He makes you whole!

What will you do with­out Him
When death is draw­ing near?
Without His love—the on­ly love
That casts out ev­ery fear;
When the sha­dow-val­ley op­ens,
Unlighted and un­known,
And the ter­rors of its dark­ness
Must all be passed alone!

What will you do with­out Him,
When the great white throne is set,
And the Judge who ne­ver can mis­take,
And ne­ver can for­get—
The Judge, whom you have ne­ver here
As Friend and Sav­iour sought,
Shall sum­mon you to give ac­count
Of deed and word and thought?

What will you do with­out Him,
When He has shut the door,
And you are left out­side, be­cause
You would not come be­fore?
When it’s of no use knock­ing
No use to stand and wait;
For the word of doom tolls through your heart,
That ter­ri­ble Too late!

You can­not do with­out Him!
There is no oth­er name
By which you ev­er can be saved
No way, no hope, no claim!
Without Him—ev­er­last­ing loss
Of love, and life, and light!
Without Him—ev­er­last­ing woe,
And ev­er­last­ing night.

But with Him—oh! with Jesus!
Are any words so blest?
With Je­sus, ev­er­last­ing joy
And ev­er­last­ing rest!
With Jesus—all the emp­ty heart
Filled with His per­fect love;
With Je­sus—per­fect peace be­low,
And per­fect bliss above.

Why should you do with­out Him?
It is not yet too late;
He has not closed the day of grace,
He has not shut the gate.
He calls you! hush! He calls you!
He would not have you go
Another step with­out Him,
Because He loves you so.

Why will you do with­out Him?
He calls and calls again—
Come un­to me! Come un­to me!
Oh, shall He call in vain?
He wants to have you with Him;
Do you not want Him too?
You can­not do with­out Him,
And He wants—ev­en you.

Frances Ridley Ha­ver­gal
Under His Sha­dow, 1879