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Scripture Verse

Watch…for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh. Matthew 25:13


Barney E. Warren

Words & Mu­sic: Bar­ney E. War­ren, in The Re­vi­val No. 4 (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: Char­lie D. Till­man, 1903), num­ber 66 (🔊 ).


Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
If He comes at noon or night,
Will it fill you with de­light,
Or will you de­plore the sight, if He comes?


If He comes, if He comes,
Are you rea­dy, watch­ing, wait­ing if He comes?
If He comes, if He comes,
Are you rea­dy if the Bride­groom comes?

Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
If He comes with­out de­lay,
Will He find you in dis­may,
Pleading for a chance to pray, If He comes?


Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
You will hear Him at the door
Saying, Time shall be no more,
Your pro­ba­tion now is o’er,
if He comes.


Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
Are you rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes?
If you’re not pre­pared to go,
You will sink to end­less woe,
Be for­ev­er lost, you know, if He comes.
