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Scripture Verse

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life. 1 Timothy 6:12


Ruth F. Tracy (1870–1960)

Words: Ruth F. Tra­cy, in The Young Sol­dier, Ap­ril 13, 1901. Tra­cy ap­par­ent­ly wrote this song at the re­quest of Mi­ri­am Booth (1889–1917) who was be­gin­ning to sing so­los in meet­ings led by her fa­ther, Bram­well Booth.

Music: Ma­ry­land Al­ex­an­der Zar­nock (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Zar­nock (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


I’ve found the sec­ret of suc­cess,
’Tis hold­ing, ’tis hold­ing on;
The way to ev­ery bless­ed­ness,
’Tis hold­ing, ’tis hold­ing on;
Our war­fare may be hard and fierce,
Oft Sa­tan’s ar­rows wound and pierce,
But still we get more smiles than tears
By hold­ing on, by hold­ing on.

Have you your fight­ing just be­gun?
Keep hold­ing on, keep hold­ing on;
The hard­est bat­tles have been won
By hold­ing on, by hold­ing on.
Though you may meet with run­aways
Who mourn their weak­ness half their days,
Yet you can gain eter­nal praise
By hold­ing on, by hold­ing on.

If full sal­va­tion you would gain,
Keep hold­ing on, keep hold­ing on;
To con­quer sins that bring you pain,
Keep hold­ing on, keep hold­ing on.
God loves to give the bet­ter part,
Not un­to those who only start,
But those who seek with all their heart,
And then in faith keep hold­ing on.