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Scripture Verse

Be…ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matthew 24:44


Words & Mu­sic: Phi­lip P. Bliss, in The Lin­net, ed­it­ed by George F. Root & James R. Mur­ray (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Root & Ca­dy, 1867) (🔊 ).

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)


I should like to die, said Will­ie,
If my Pa­pa could die, too;
But he says he isn’t rea­dy,
’Cause he has so much to do;
And my lit­tle sis­ter Nell­ie
Says that I must sure­ly die,
And that she and Ma­ma—
Then she stopped,
Because it made me cry.
And that she and Ma­ma—
Then she stopped,
Because it made me cry.

But she told me, I re­mem­ber,
Once while sit­ting on her knee,
That the an­gels nev­er wea­ry,
Watching ov­er her and me;
And that if we’re good (and Ma­ma
Told me just the same be­fore)
They will let us in­to Heav­en when
They see us at the door;
They will let us in­to Heav­en when
They see us at the door.

There I know I shall be hap­py,
And will al­ways want to stay;
I shall love to hear the sing­ing,
I shall love the end­less day;
I shall love to look at Je­sus,
I shall love Him more and more,
And I’ll ga­ther wa­ter lil­ies for
The an­gel at the door;
And I’ll ga­ther wa­ter lil­ies for
The an­gel at the door.

There will be none but the ho­ly—
I shall know no more of sin;
Though I’ll see Ma­ma and Nell­ie,
For I know He’ll let them in,
But I’ll have to tell the an­gel,
When I meet him at the door,
That he must ex­cuse my Pa­pa,
’Cause he couldn’t leave the store;
That he must ex­cuse my Pa­pa,
’Cause he couldn’t leave the store.

Nellie says that may­be I shall
Very soon be called away;
If Papa were on­ly rea­dy,
I should like to go to­day;
But if I should go be­fore him
To that world of light and joy,
Then I guess he’d want
To come to Heav’n
To see his lit­tle boy;
Then I guess he’d want
To come to Heav’n
To see his lit­tle boy.