Scripture Verse

…a still small voice. 1 Kings 19:12


Words: Ro­bert F. Sam­ple, in Ho­san­na for the Sun­day School, ed­it­ed by Al­fred T. Schauff­ler (New York: Cen­tu­ry Com­pa­ny, 1898), num­ber 70.

Music: Beards­ley Van de Wa­ter (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sam­ple (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Van de Wa­ter,

Beardsley Van de Water (1862–1906)


I hear a voice, ’tis soft and sweet,
It bids my sin-sick soul re­joice;
The same was heard in Sa­lem’s street,
And in the mount­ain’s cool re­treat,
My Sav­ior’s voice.


Sweeter than chim­ing bells,
Softer than ev­en­ing rills,
The voice that tells of par­don—
Pardon, peace, and Heav’n.

When wea­ry with my load of guilt,
I’ll not for­get that Christ is all;
For me His pre­cious blood was spilt;
He sweet­ly says, Come, if thou wilt;
How glad the call!


My soul is trou­bled like the sea,
The surg­ing bil­lows roll around;
But He who calmed far Ga­li­lee
Doth kind­ly say, Peace be to thee;
How blest the sound!
