I have called you friends.
John 15:15
Words: Nils Frykman, in Sanningsvittnet, 1895 (Jag har en vän, som älskar mig). Translated from Swedish to English by E. H. J.
Music: Nils Frykman (🔊
If you know the translator, would you send us an e-mail?
I have a friend who loveth me,
He gave His life on Calvary;
Upon the cross my sins He bore,
And I am saved forevermore.
Oh, hallelujah, He’s my friend,
He guides me to the journey’s end,
He walks beside me all the way,
And gives to me a crown some day.
My Savior’s love so full and free
Doth light the weary way for me;
It fills with joy each passing day
And drives my sorrows all away.
I have a friend, a mighty friend,
Upon His power I may depend;
He reigneth over every land,
O’er valley, hill, on sea and strand.
O brother, join us in our song!
This friend to you would fain belong;
Tho’ far from what you’d like to be,
His grace sufficient is for thee.