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Scripture Verse

This is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another. Romans 15:7


Benjamin J. Radford (1838–1933)

Words: Ben­ja­min J. Rad­ford (1838–1933).

Music: Che­nies Ti­mo­thy R. Mat­thews, 1855 (🔊 ).

Timothy R. Matthews


In homes where pride and splen­dor
Their silk­en ban­ners flare,
In homes where child­hood ten­der
Is crushed by ev­ery care,
Is heard the cry of ang­uish
From ma­ny a help­less slave,
Where Sa­tan’s cap­tives lang­uish,
And on­ly Christ can save.

What tho’ our flag in glo­ry
Floats ov­er free­dom’s land,
While de­gra­da­tion’s sto­ry
Is writ on ev­ery hand,
While in the marts of la­bor,
In lord­ly halls of state,
The Christ­like love of neigh­bor
Is lost in greed and hate?

Shall we, to whom is giv­en
For sin the on­ly cure,
Vouchsafed to earth by Heav­en,
While na­tions shall en­dure;
Shall we, in this her tri­al,
Forget our na­tion’s weal,
Endure no self de­ni­al,
Be want­ing in our zeal?

O God, whilst ev­il low­ers
In clouds of sin and shame,
May these cold hearts of ours
Burst into liv­ing flame,
To light and lead our na­tion
In this her time of need,
Until in Christ’s sal­va­tion
She shall be free in­deed.