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Scripture Verse

O Lord my God, in Thee do I put my trust. Psalm 7:1


John Lawley (1859–1922)

Words: John Law­ley, 1922. Law­ley wrote this hymn dur­ing his last ill­ness, and it was sung at his fu­ner­al in Con­gress Hall, Clap­ton, Lon­don, Sep­tem­ber 14, 1922. It ap­peared in The Of­fi­cer, Sep­tem­ber 1922, and in The Mu­sic­al Sal­va­tion­ist, Ap­ril 1923.

Music: San­don Charles H. Pur­day, The Church and Home Tune Book 1857 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pur­day (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Though thun­ders roll and dark­ened be the sky,
I’ll trust in Thee!
Though joys may fade and pros­pects droop and die,
I’ll trust in Thee!
No light may shine upon life’s rug­ged way,
Sufficient is Thy grace from day to day.

I’m not out­side Thy pro­vi­den­tial care,
I’ll trust in Thee!
I’ll walk by faith Thy chos­en cross to bear,
I’ll trust in Thee!
Thy will and wish I know are for the best,
This gives to me abun­dant peace and rest.

Thy word is sure, Thy pro­mise nev­er fails,
I’ll trust in Thee!
A hid­ing-place Thou art when Hell as­sails,
I’ll trust in Thee!
I con­quer all while hid­ing ’neath Thy wing,
And in the storm sweet songs of tri­umph sing.

I’m press­ing on to­wards my home in Heav’n,
I’ll trust in Thee!
Where crowns of life to faith­ful ones are giv’n,
I’ll trust in Thee!
This hope is mine, through Je­sus cru­ci­fied,
And all through grace I shall be glo­ri­fied.