Scripture Verse

Follow Me. John 1:43


Charles F. Weigle (1871–1966)

Words & Mu­sic: Charles F. Wei­gle, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O I love to walk with Je­sus
Like the pub­li­cans of old,
When He ga­thered them about Him
And the bless­èd tid­ings told;
How He came to bring de­li­ver­ance
To the cap­tives in dis­tress,
Take away our ev­ery bur­den,
Giving per­fect peace and rest.


I will fol­low where He lead­eth;
I will pas­ture where He feed­eth.
I will fol­low all the way, Lord.
I will fol­low Je­sus ev­ery day.

O I love to walk with Je­sus
Like the man of long ago
Who had tar­ried by the way­side
Near the gates of Je­ri­cho,
Jesus heard his cry for mer­cy,
Gave him back his sight that day,
And im­me­di­ate­ly he fol­lowed
Jesus all along the way.


O I love to walk with Je­sus
All the way to Cal­va­ry’s brow,
Gaze up­on that scene of suf­fer­ing
While my tears of sor­row flow.
There He tells me how He loves me—
Takes my ev­ery sin away;
So I fol­low Him so glad­ly,
Lead me any­where He may.


O some­time I’ll walk with Je­sus
In that land of end­less day,
When our jour­ney here is ov­er
And we’ve reached our home to stay.
Then I’ll walk with Him for­ev­er,
Sing His prais­es o’er and o’er,
And with all the saints in glo­ry
Love, and wor­ship, and adore.
