Scripture Verse

Our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Galatians 6:15


Eric Schumacher (1976–)

Words: Er­ic Schu­mach­er, cir­ca 2004.

Music: Ger­ma­ny Sac­red Me­lo­dies Will­iam Gar­di­ner, 1815 (🔊 pdf nwc).


For the re­deem­ing ago­ny
You suf­fered there on Cal­va­ry,
For blood You shed and tears You cried,
I love You, Christ my cru­ci­fied.

O for Your bruised and blud­geoned frame
That bore my ev­ery sin and shame
Which You for me did take and die,
I love You, Christ my cru­ci­fied.

Yes, for the faith­ful love You showed,
Which with abun­dant grace once flowed
Out of Your op­ened hands and side,
I love You, Christ my cru­ci­fied.

That You, my king, would suf­fer scorn
Beneath a crown of twist­ed thorn,
Then in this re­bel’s grave go lie,
I love You, Christ my cru­ci­fied.

And hear­ing how You left the grave
Alive and ev­er strong to save,
And then as­cend­ed as the sun,
I love You, Christ my ris­en one.

O when I see you, ris­en King,
I’ll do none else but fall to sing
And with my all let this strain rise:
I love You, Christ my glo­ri­fied.

Josse Lieferinxe (1493–1508)