Our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
Galatians 6:15
Words: Eric Schumacher, circa 2004.
Music: Germany Sacred Melodies William Gardiner, 1815 (🔊
I LOVE YOU, CHRIST, MY CRUCIFIED © 2004 Eric Schumacher
Permission granted to reproduce unaltered text in nonsalable, temporary worship media.
All other uses require the permission of the author.
For the redeeming agony
You suffered there on Calvary,
For blood You shed and tears You cried,
I love You, Christ my crucified.
O for Your bruised and bludgeoned frame
That bore my every sin and shame
Which You for me did take and die,
I love You, Christ my crucified.
Yes, for the faithful love You showed,
Which with abundant grace once flowed
Out of Your opened hands and side,
I love You, Christ my crucified.
That You, my king, would suffer scorn
Beneath a crown of twisted thorn,
Then in this rebel’s grave go lie,
I love You, Christ my crucified.
And hearing how You left the grave
Alive and ever strong to save,
And then ascended as the sun,
I love You, Christ my risen one.
O when I see you, risen King,
I’ll do none else but fall to sing
And with my all let this strain rise:
I love You, Christ my glorified.