Scripture Verse

We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1


Words: Clay­ton B. Ken­dall, 1881.

Music: John J. Hood (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ken­dall or Hood,

A min­er in Eng­land went to Church one night and be­came deep­ly con­cerned for the sal­va­tion of his soul. When the ser­vic­es were end­ed, he re­fused to leave the house, al­though the min­is­ter told him it was late, and he must go home and seek the Sav­ior there, and come again the next night.

No, said the min­er, It must be set­tled to­night, to­mor­row night may be too late. So the min­is­ter stayed with him un­til he found peace. The next day while at work in the mines a mass of rock fell on him, and he was killed. His last words were, Thank God, it was set­tled last night, to­night it would have been too late.

The Ark of Praise, ed­it­ed by John R. Swe­ney (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1882), num­ber 71


It must be set­tled to­night,
Tomorrow may be too late
The an­gel of death may come,
And seal for­ev­er my fate.
It must be set­tled to-night,
I can no long­er wait,
Peace with my God I now must have,
Tomorrow may be too late.

A bur­den weighs my soul
I can no long­er bear;
Unless re­moved this night,
’Twill sink me in­to des­pair.
It must be set­tled to-night,
I can no long­er wait,
Peace with my God I now must have,
Tomorrow may be too late.

I can­not rest till peace
Enfolds me from above,
Till my re­deem­er speaks to me
Assurance of His love.
It must be set­tled to-night,
I can no long­er wait,
Peace with my God I now must have,
Tomorrow may be too late.

Oh, now I know ’tis done!
My peace is made with God;
My par­don’s found in Je­sus’ name,
Thro’ faith in Je­sus’ blood.
Oh, now I know ’tis done!
Sweet joy per­vades my soul;
Peace with my God I now have found;
His blood hath made me whole.