Scripture Verse

I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. Luke 15:18


Charles F. Weigle (1871–1966)

Words & Mu­sic: Charles F. Wei­gle, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc), alt. Ap­peared in Burn­ing Bush Songs No. 1, ed­it­ed by Ar­thur F. Ing­ler (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Me­tro­po­li­tan Church As­so­cia­tion, 1902), num­ber 3: Co­py­right, 1901, by Brown Bros., In­di­an­apo­lis, In­di­ana.


I was so lone­ly, so very lone­ly,
When I from my Sav­ior had wan­dered away;
Now I am hap­py, so ve­ry hap­py,
Since I to my Sav­ior have come home to stay.


I’m glad I came home, oh, so glad I came home,
From Je­sus my Sav­ior I’ll ne­ver­more roam;
No more am I starv­ing, wea­ry or lone,
Since Je­sus has found me, I’m glad I came home.

I was so hun­gry, so ve­ry hun­gry,
When out in the de­sert I wan­dered alone;
Since I’m in Ca­naan, liv­ing in Ca­naan,
I’ve plen­ty of bread, oh, I’m glad I came home.


I was so wea­ry, so ve­ry wea­ry,
When tired of my wan­d’ring I lay down to die;
Jesus came near me, so ve­ry near me,
When in my dis­tress un­to Him I did cry.


I was in dark­ness, walk­ing in dark­ness,
When blind­ed by sin I had stum­bled along;
Now I’m in sun­light, walk­ing in sun­light,
My sight is re­stored, oh, I’m glad I came home.


Return of the Prodigal Son
Julie Ribault (1789–1885)