We are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.
Romans 8:17
Words: Haldor Harris, in Glad News, edited by W. N Cook (Hudson, North Carolina: Teachers’ Music Publishing, 1916), number 102.
Music: Stuart B. Hayes (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Harris or Hayes (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I’m an heir with the Son of God,
Saved from sin by His cleansing blood,
And my name is recorded
With the redeemed on high;
Pain and sorrow I here may know,
Life but little of wealth bestow,
But there’s gladness unending
Waiting me by and by.
I’m an heir, joint heir with Christ,
To the home so bright and fair;
I’m an heir, His blood sufficed,
And I’m going e’er long
Its glories for aye to share!
I’m an heir, and it cheers my soul,
Tho’ the thunders around me roll,
For my Father is watching
Over me day by day;
Nothing ever my hope can dim,
For in faith I am trusting Him,
And He tenderly guides and
Blesses me all the way.
I’m an heir to the home above,
Thro’ my Savior’s redeeming love,
Since my pardon He freely
Purchased on Calvary;
By His changeless eternal grace,
I’m accorded with Him a place,
Where, ’mid pleasures untold, I’ll
Dwell thro’ eternity.