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Scripture Verse

Thy mercy is great unto the heavens. Psalm 57:10


Emanuel Swedenborg

Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Ema­nu­el Swe­den­borg (1688–1772).

Music: Ska­ra Frank Sew­all (1837–1915) (🔊 ).

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Frank Sewall (1837–1915)

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In bound­less mer­cy, gra­cious Lord, ap­pear,
Darkness dis­pel, the hum­ble mourn­er cheer;
Vain thoughts re­move, melt down the flin­ty heart,
Draw ev­ery soul to choose the bet­ter part.

Thy pre­sence fills the uni­vers­al space,
Thy grace ap­pears to all the hu­man race,
Oh! vi­sit us with light and life di­vine,
Fill ev­ery soul, for ev­ery soul is Thine.

Thou, bless­èd Je­sus, art my Lord, my Love:
Thou art my king: from Thee I would not move,
Hence earth­ly charms, far, far, from me de­part,
Nor seek to draw from my dear Lord my heart.

That un­cre­at­ed beau­ty, which has gained
My rav­ished heart, has all my glo­ry stained:
Thy love­li­ness my soul has pre­pos­sessed,
And left no room for any oth­er guest.