I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee…all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession.
Genesis 17:8
Words: E. T. Rinehart, in Good News in Song, edited by Joshua Gill & George A. McLaughlin (Boston, Massachusetts: McDonald & Gill, 1891).
Music: Arranged by John McPherson (🔊
If you know Rinehart’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or McPherson, would you send us an e-mail?
I used to think that Canaan
Was somewhere up on high,
Where I, perhaps, might go
Whene’er I came to die.
But when I came to Jesus,
And at His cross did bow,
I got salvation thro’ the blood,
I’m living in Canaan now.
Living in Canaan now,
I’m living in Canaan now;
I’m doing well, I’m glad to tell,
I’m living in Canaan now.
A land of corn and wine,
Where milk and honey flow,
On which the Lord doth smile,
As all who live there know.
I do the will of God,
Because He shows me how,
I stand where good and Joshua stood,
I’m living in Canaan now.
A life at peace with God,
With Jesus in my soul,
A heart washed in the blood,
By Him made fully whole.
From death to life divine,
Each dark spot white as snow,
He speaks the word, and it is done,
I’m living in Canaan now.
This rest, it is for you;
Then leave the wilderness,
You’ll find God’s word is true,
You’re able to possess,
So put away the things
That He doth not allow;
And if your all to Christ you bring,
You’re living in Canaan now.