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Scripture Verse

I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee…all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession. Genesis 17:8


Words: E. T. Rine­hart, in Good News in Song, ed­it­ed by Jo­shua Gill & George A. Mc­Laugh­lin (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Mc­Don­ald & Gill, 1891).

Music: Ar­ranged by John Mc­Pher­son (🔊 ).

If you know Rine­hart’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Mc­Pher­son, would you send us an e-mail?


I used to think that Ca­naan
Was some­where up on high,
Where I, per­haps, might go
Whene’er I came to die.
But when I came to Je­sus,
And at His cross did bow,
I got sal­va­tion thro’ the blood,
I’m living in Ca­naan now.


Living in Ca­naan now,
I’m liv­ing in Ca­naan now;
I’m do­ing well, I’m glad to tell,
I’m liv­ing in Ca­naan now.

A land of corn and wine,
Where milk and ho­ney flow,
On which the Lord doth smile,
As all who live there know.
I do the will of God,
Because He shows me how,
I stand where good and Jo­shua stood,
I’m liv­ing in Ca­naan now.


A life at peace with God,
With Je­sus in my soul,
A heart washed in the blood,
By Him made ful­ly whole.
From death to life di­vine,
Each dark spot white as snow,
He speaks the word, and it is done,
I’m liv­ing in Ca­naan now.


This rest, it is for you;
Then leave the wil­der­ness,
You’ll find God’s word is true,
You’re able to pos­sess,
So put away the things
That He doth not al­low;
And if your all to Christ you bring,
You’re liv­ing in Ca­naan now.
