Scripture Verse

I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16


Henry Holmes (1852–1938)

Words: Ma­ry E. Max­well, in Hymns of Con­se­cra­tion and Faith, by James Mount­ain, new & en­larged edi­tion (Lon­don: Mar­shall Bro­thers, 1902), num­ber 411.

Music: Der­ry (Holmes) Hen­ry J. E. Holmes (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Max­well (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Holmes,


In the East is morn­ing break­ing,
Faintly glim­mer­ing from afar;
Gladdening eyes that wait the ris­ing
Of the Bright and Morn­ing Star;
Blessèd Je­sus, bless­èd Je­sus,
Wilt Thou soon to us ap­pear?

Oh! we praise Thee for Thy com­ing
Once in low­li­ness and pain
To re­deem from sin’s pol­lu­tion,
Freeing us from Sa­tan’s chain;
But how glad­ly! But how glad­ly!
We will see Thee come again.

By Thy Ho­ly Spir­it’s teach­ing,
Calvary’s heal­ing streams we know;
Blood to par­don—pu­ri­fyi­ng
Sin-stained hearts made white as snow;
But Thy full­ness! But Thy full­ness,
Thou wilt in Thy glo­ry show.

Thou art com­ing, bless­èd Mas­ter;
Days and mo­ments speed apace,
Soon will cease earth’s day of ser­vice,
Soon we’ll see Thee face to face;
Are we rea­dy, are we rea­dy
For that day of crown­ing grace?

Vainly hu­man thought can pic­ture
What that day to us will be;
Who have wel­comed full sal­va­tion,
Let Thee cleanse and sanc­ti­fy;
Then Thy beau­ty, then Thy beau­ty
Will each long­ing sa­tis­fy.