Scripture Verse

Great is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite. Psalm 147:5


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for As­cen­sion 1746.

Music: Ado­ro Te (Barn­by) Jo­seph Barn­by, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


Infinite God, to Thee we raise
Our hearts in so­lemn songs of praise,
By all Thy works on earth ad­ored,
We wor­ship Thee, the com­mon Lord;
The ev­er­last­ing Fa­ther own,
And bow our souls be­fore Thy throne.

Thee all the choir of an­gels sings,
The Lord of hosts, the King of kings;
Cherubs pro­claim Thy praise aloud,
And se­raphs shout the tri­une God;
And, Ho­ly, ho­ly, ho­ly, cry,
Thy glo­ry fills both earth and sky!

God of the pa­tri­arch­al race,
The an­cient seers re­cord Thy praise,
The good­ly apo­sto­lic band
In high­est joy and glo­ry stand;
And all the saints and pro­phets join
To ex­tol Thy ma­jes­ty di­vine.

Head of the mar­tyrs’ no­ble host,
Of Thee they just­ly make their boast;
The church, to earth’s re­mot­est bounds,
Her hea­ven­ly found­er’s praise re­sounds;
And strives, with those around the throne,
To hymn the mys­tic Three in One.

Father of end­less majesty,
All might and love they ren­der Thee;
Thy true and on­ly Son adore,
The same in dig­ni­ty and pow­er;
And God the Ho­ly Ghost de­clare,
The saints’ eter­nal com­fort­er.