Teach me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end.
Psalm 119:33
Words: Nahum Tate & Nicholas Brady, 1696.
Music: Asylum William Horsley (1774–1858) (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Brady (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Instruct me in Thy statutes, Lord,
Thy righteous paths display;
And I from them, through all my life,
Will never go astray.
If Thou true wisdom from above
Wilt graciously impart,
To keep Thy perfect laws I will
Devote my zealous heart.
Direct me in the sacred ways
To which Thy precepts lead;
Because my chief delight has been
Thy righteous paths to tread.
Do Thou to Thy most just commands
Incline my willing heart;
Let no desire of worldly wealth
From Thee my thoughts divert.
From those vain objects turn my eyes,
Which this false world displays;
But give me lively power and strength
To keep Thy righteous ways.
Confirm the promise which Thou mad’st,
And give Thy servant aid,
Who to transgress Thy sacred laws
Is awfully afraid.
The foul disgrace I justly fear,
In mercy, Lord, remove;
For all the judgments Thou ordain’st
Are full of grace and love.
Thou know’st how after Thy commands
My longing heart does pant;
O then make haste to raise me up,
And promised succor grant.