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Scripture Verse

I will sing praises unto Thy name. 2 Samuel 22:50


Isaac Errett (1820–1888)

Words: Is­aac Er­rett, in The Chris­tian Hymn Book, ed­it­ed by Al­ex­an­der Camp­bell (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: H. S. Bos­worth, 1866), num­ber 1180.

Music: Re­don­do James H. Ro­se­crans, Chim­ing Voic­es (New York: Asa Hull, 1893), num­ber 69 (🔊 ).

James H. Rosecrans


I praise Thy name, O God of light,
For rest and safe­ty through the night;
Beneath Thy wing, se­cure­ly kept,
I closed my eyes and sweet­ly slept.
Redeemed from wea­ri­ness, I rise
To greet the light with cheer­ful eyes;
And with the birds on joy­ful wing,
My soul would rise, and sweet­ly sing.


I praise Thy name, O God of light,
For rest and safe­ty thro’ the night;
Beneath Thy wing, se­cure­ly kept,
I closed my eyes and sweet­ly slept.

I thank Thee, Lord, for all Thy care,
For all the bless­ings that I share—
Life, rea­son, health, and home, and friends,
And ev­ery gift Thy good­ness sends.
O let me nev­er, nev­er cease
To cher­ish trust and thank­ful­ness;
From Thee, Thou mak­er of my frame,
Each un­de­serv­èd bless­ing came.


As num­ber­less as stars of heav­en
Are the rich boun­ties Thou hast giv­en,
And fresh as dews, and sweet as flow­ers,
The love that smiles on all my hours.
O let me to Thy al­tar bring
A pure and grate­ful of­fer­ing;
And let my thanks, as in­cense rise
In Christ, a pleas­ing sac­ri­fice.
