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Scripture Verse

Be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18


Almeda W. Driscoll

Words: Al­me­da W. Dris­coll, 1908.

Music: At­lan­tic Ci­ty Ly­man F. Jack­son, 1908 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Jack­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


I pray Thee! I pray Thee! O Fa­ther Al­migh­ty,
The gift of Thy Spir­it to me now im­part;
I long to be ho­ly, and fit for Thy ser­vice;
O grant He may ev­er ab­ide in my heart.

I pray Thee! I pray Thee! O Fa­ther Al­migh­ty,
Now list to my plead­ing, and grant my re­quest,
That in each en­deav­or I’ll hon­or Thee ful­ly,
Inspired by Thy pro­mise to ho­nor; I’ll rest.

I pray Thee! I pray Thee! O Fa­ther Al­migh­ty,
To take from me whol­ly all sin­ful de­sire;
I come in my weak­ness, for strength I en­treat Thee;
Baptize me, O Fa­ther, with Thy sac­red fire!