Scripture Verse

Is it nothing to you? Lamentations 1:12


John Clements (1868–1946)

Words: John R. Cle­ments, 1896, alt.

Music: May W. Moody (🔊 pdf nwc).

May W. Moody (1870–1963)


Is it no­thing to you that Heav­en’s king
Came down to this world of woe?
That He suf­fered and bled, and rose from the dead,
That eter­nal life you might know?


Is it no­thing to you that grace is free,
And that God in His love doth call?
Is it noth­ing to you? Is it no­thing to you?
Is it noth­ing, no­thing to you?

Is it no­thing to you that by and by
You must tra­vel death’s dark vale?
Where Jor­dan’s cold wave does the path­way lave,
And all but Christ doth fail?


Is it no­thing to you that some sweet day,
In the heav­en­ly land so fair,
You may join the song that the ran­somed throng
Are for­ev­er sing­ing there?
