Scripture Verse

I will take away the stony heart…and I will give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spi­ri­tu­al Songs 1707–09, Book 2, num­ber 74. Re­pent­ance from a sense of di­vine good­ness; or, a com­plaint of in­gra­ti­tude.

Music: Gold­en Hill, var­iou­sly at­trib­ut­ed to Aar­on Cha­pin (1768–?) or Am­zi Cha­pin (1768–1835) (🔊 pdf nwc). Appeared in the Ken­tuc­ky Har­mo­ny, by Ana­ni­as Da­vis­son 1816.


Is this the kind re­turn,
And these the thanks we owe,
Thus to abuse eter­nal love,
Whence all our bless­ings flow?

To what a stub­born frame
Has sin re­duced our mind!
What strange rebel­li­ous wretch­es we,
And God as strange­ly kind!

On us He bids the sun
Shed his re­viv­ing rays;
For us the skies their cir­cles run,
To length­en out our days.

The brutes ob­ey their God,
And bow their necks to men;
But we, more base, more brut­ish things,
Reject His ea­sy reign.

Turn, turn us, migh­ty God,
And mold our souls afresh;
Break, so­ver­eign grace, these hearts of stone,
And give us hearts of flesh.

Let old in­gra­ti­tude
Provoke our weep­ing eyes,
And hour­ly as new mer­cies fall
Let hour­ly thanks arise.