Scripture Verse

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit…to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:4,7


Words: Su­san­na Har­ris­on, Songs in the Night (Ip­swich, Eng­land: Pun­chard & Jer­myn, 1780), page 136. Com­posed af­ter be­ing made ac­quaint­ed that her vers­es were de­signed to be print­ed.

Music: Wood­worth Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, Men­dels­sohn Col­lect­ion, or Third Book of Psal­mo­dy (New York: 1849) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William Bradbury


Is this Thy will, and must I be
A liv­ing wit­ness, Lord, for Thee?
Must I Thy won­drous love re­cord,
And spread Thy prais­es far abroad?

Must I to all Thy saints un­fold
The things which Thou to me hast told?
And shall the eyes of sin­ners see
What Thou hast done for worth­less me?

Wilt Thou no longer me ex­cuse,
And wilt Thou frown if I re­fuse?
O let me have Thy pre­sence still,
And I’ll sub­mit to all Thy will!

Make Thou my path of du­ty plain,
And let Thine arm my soul sus­tain;
Give me new strength, new cour­age here,
And fill my soul with ho­ly fear.

To Thee I de­di­cate the whole,
Thine is my heart, and Thine my soul;
Bless what my fee­ble hand hath wrought,
And take the praise of ev­ery thought.

Wilt Thou, dear Lord, Thine hand­maid own?
Her of­fer­ing with ac­cept­ance crown?
Thy glo­ry is her hum­ble aim:
Eternal glo­ry to Thy name!

Alternate last stan­za:

Wilt Thou, dear Lord, Thine ser­vant own?
My of­fer­ing with ac­cept­ance crown?
Thy glo­ry is my hum­ble aim:
Eternal glo­ry to Thy name!