Scripture Verse

Go away for now! When I have time, I’ll send for you. Acts 24:25


Words: E. J. Bar­ber, in Songs for Je­sus No. 5, by Frank M. Gra­ham (Greens­bo­ro, Georg­ia: Frank M. Gra­ham, 1914), num­ber 116.

Music: Fris­co Jes­se B. Har­din, 1914 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Bar­ber’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Har­din (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


In the days of early child­hood,
While my heart yet knew no care,
Jesus came and soft­ly whis­pered,
Shun the temp­ter’s fa­tal snare.


Then I said, O gen­tle Sav­ior,
Ere I am by sin be­set,
I will sure­ly heed Thy warn­ing,
Tho’ I am not rea­dy yet.

He is wait­ing, hop­ing, plan­ning
In his wild sa­tan­ic glee,
To de­stroy thy soul for­ev­er,
But I’ll save thee—come to Me.


On in sin I blind­ly wan­dered,
By the temp­ter’s voice be­guiled,
Never paus­ing to con­sid­er
That my soul was sin de­filed.


On the brink of death’s dark ri­ver,
I must wait in deep des­pair,
Heaven’s por­tals closed against me,
None that’s sin­ful en­ter there.
